
Doug Koskela



电子邮件: kosked@lookforstudies.com
电话: 206-281-2261
办公室:  亚历山大 & 阿德莱德大厅212

教育: BA, 网易彩票下载, 1995; MDiv, 杜克神学院, 1998; PhD, Southern Methodist University, 2003. 从2001年开始在SPU工作.

Doug Koskela primarily teaches courses in systematic theology and the 大学基金会 序列. His areas of research interest include Wesleyan theology, 神学的认识论, 职业, 和教会学.

Dr. Koskela is a member of the Wesleyan Theological Society, and he served as the Society's president in 2015-16. He is also a member of the American Academy of Religion.

Dr. Koskela has authored three books, including his most recent--The Radiance of God: Christian Doctrine through the Image of Divine Light--which has been awarded the “Timothy L. Smith and Mildred Bangs Wynkoop Book Award.”  He has also published numerous articles and book chapters. He is an ordained elder in the Pacific Northwest Conference of the Free Methodist Church.

The Radiance of God: Christian Doctrine through the Image of Divine Light

Cascade 书 - An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2021

“蒂莫西·L. Smith and Mildred Bangs Wynkoop Book Award”
The image of God as light abounds in Scripture and the Christian tradition. In The Radiance of God, Douglas M. Koskela explores the theme of divine radiance across the span of Christian doctrine. The book develops a constructive account of the Christian gospel that traces the journey from darkness into the marvelous light of God. Drawing on an ecumenical range of voices in the tradition, Koskela frames the discussion in terms of three central concepts: allure, 运动, 和快乐. The image of divine radiance suggests the sheer beauty of God that captivates the attention of God’s creatures in wonder, 爱, 和赞美. The brilliance of this light initiates a process of 运动 toward it as the Holy Spirit transforms us in the image of Christ, 世界之光. The culmination of this journey is inexpressible and unending joy as we are immersed in the divine light. By following this threefold pattern through the classic loci of Christian doctrine, this volume offers a sustained and coherent treatment of the economy of salvation from creation to consummation.

调用 and Clarity: Discovering What God Wants for Your Life


Ecclesiality and Ecumenism: Yves Congar and the Road to Unity

Marquette University Press, 2008

Immersed in the Life of God: The Healing 资源 of the Christian 信仰: Essays in Honor of William J. 亚伯拉罕 (与加夫里约克、保罗.维克斯,杰森·E.)


“道格拉斯M. Koskela reflects on ecclesial reconciliation as a healing practice. With attention to both ecumenical and intra-ecclesial relationships, he examines the impetus toward and patterns of reconciliatory practice ... 他认为, by approaching reconciliation in a posture of humility and attentiveness to its own canonical riches, the church has genuine hope of restoration and revitalization." (x)


  • 《网易彩票app》中 The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology, William J .编辑. 亚伯拉罕和腓特烈. Aquino (Oxford University Press, 2017)
  • "Discipline and Polity,” in The Cambridge Companion to American Methodism,由Jason E .编辑. Vickers (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
  • “A Wesleyan Understanding of the Authority of Scripture,” in Wesley, Wesleyans, and Reading the Bible as Scripture,编辑:Joel B. 格林和大卫·F. Watson (Baylor University Press, 2012)

请查看 Dr. Koskela的简历 (PDF) for additional publications.

Doug Koskela


道格拉斯Koskela, 神学教授

"I teach at SPU because it offers an ideal context in which to live out the 职业 of a teacher-scholar. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to think, 说话, and act on things that matter with people who care."