


大学学者计划 creates a community of self-motivated scholars engaged in thoughtful cross-disciplinary conversation, 写作, and action on issues facing 的 church and 的 world. Courses for “UScholars” are rigorously interdisciplinary and offer intensive peer discussion. Participation in 的 program is by invitation, and is competitive.

  • 大学学者计划 is an interdisciplinary liberal arts program designed as an alternative to 的 regular 通识教育 curriculum. 课程使用历史的镜头, 神学, 哲学, 科学, social 科学 and 的 arts to answer 的 question: "What does it mean to be human?"
  • As a University Scholar, you are required take a a USCH特别课程序列.
  • 你必须完成  foreign language competency, “W,” and “CUE” requirements expected of all undergraduates.
  • You will complete 的 honors version of UFDN 1000 Christian 信仰 在你大二的时候, and must complete UFDN 2000 Christian Scriptures and UFDN 3100 基督教神学 before graduation.
  • 大学学者完成 a 5-credit Ways of Knowing in 的 Fundamental 科学 (WKFS) course and a 5-credit Ways of Knowing in Quantitative Reasoning (WKQR) course.
  • 你必须完成 a major and have a minimum 180 credits to graduate, including 60 upper-division credits (courses numbered 3000 or above).


  • Prior to enrolling in USCH 3910 “信仰 and Science I,” you must satisfy 的 Ways of Knowing in 的 Fundamental 科学 course. (AP学分已收, IB, 剑桥国际课程, or CLEP 科学 will not fulfill this requirement.)
  • You must complete a 5-credit ma的matics course, to be chosen from 的 list of courses approved for 的 研究性课程.
  • You will take a special honors section of UFDN 1000 在你大二的时候, and 的n later enroll in any section of UFDN 2000 and 3100 that best fits your schedule.
  • 的 Honors Project involves 4 credits of individual scholarly work in a subject related to your major, undertaken with 的 assistance of a faculty mentor and completed during 的 senior year. Projects or papers that fulfill this requirement must meet disciplinary standards, discuss 的 relationship of faith and learning, be approved by 的 director of 大学学者, and be completed prior to graduation. Honors Projects are given special recognition at Commencement. A maximum of 4 credits is allowed in Honors Project I and/or II.
  • You are required to maintain a minimum 3.2平均绩点 留在计划中.
  • Special service to 的 SPU community should be a high priority 大学学者. 每年, 的 graduating senior who best exemplifies 的 high ideals of 的 program is honored with 的 Wesley E. Lingren Award, in honor of 的 founding director. 


Students wishing to leave 的 program must submit a letter of resignation to 的 director. 的y will immediately become subject to 的 普通的课程 and 研究性课程 requirements.

的y will not lose credit previously earned by successful completion of examinations, 例如CLEP或Running Start. 大学学者课程 taken in 的 first and second year transfer into ei的r 的 普通的课程 or 的 研究性课程 at 西雅图 Pacific.  



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